Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Libbers!

Wow! I can't believe she is already one. Everyone tells you it goes by quick, and you don't believe them until the first year is gone. We had her birthday party on Saturday and it went as well as expected. Nobody could come because it has been continuously snowing since Thursday. I feel a little secluded in this valley. So our neighbors across the street (the Olsens) came and we had a good time. Libby was the most delicate cake smasher I have ever seen. It took her about 10 minutes until she any cake on her face. She touched it and licked off some frosting, and then ate the cake. It was really cute. Libby has a lot of new things. Here are just a few...
-She says Uh-Oh when she drops things. Sometimes before she drops them.
-She has started to say "Wow!" when she likes something.
-She has started free standing.
-Libby pushes everything around the room. Stools, chairs, toys, anything she can reach.
-She waves randomly to strangers at the store and say "hi" to them.
-Libby also says "yeah" if I ask her a question.
-The Olsens gave a toy piano for her birthday and she will pound a couple of keys, then look up at me to see if I am watching. If I am she will wait until I clap for her, and she will clap and say "Yay!"
She is getting such a spunky little personality. She has an opinion about everything, and lately diaper changes have become a wrestling match. She keeps us on our toes. We love you Libby!


Jess said...

Wow! One year old already- that makes her 6 months older than Lissie! Cute cake! Don't toddlers keep you busy?!?

Holly and Rhett said...

Too cute. Happy Birthday Libs. I love her birthday cake, very creative! ps - I need your address! Will you email it to me, thanks.