Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Libby's new things

Libby is getting so big, so fast. I have just noticed in the last few weeks how heavy and how strong she is becoming. She is filling out and I think any day now she is going to get mad at something I do and beat me up. Just kidding. My favorite cute things she does: Wow where do I begin on this one? Well, she really is getting to recognise her favorite foods and she lets you know she wants some when she sees it. Her favorite things are bananas,(she takes bites out of the banana and can eat about half of a banana. Crazy!) grapes,(she will eat these until you stop giving them to her, she is our grape monster) pasta (newly introduced but she loves it), potatoes (Idaho grown, Daddy trucked), peaches ( She can eat a half a peach) and green beans. When she sees any of these foods she makes several excited cute grunts. We went to the grocery store today and she did this when I put the grapes in the cart. I fed her one, then decided I probably shouldn't do that because you pay by the pound. Whoops! She has started to know our names. When we ask her "Where's Chio?" She looks at the dog. The same with "Where's Ma Ma" and "Da Da". She loves to take baths. She starts to fuss to let us know that she is ready for her nightly bath and bedtime stories. She splashes like crazy in the tub, and makes a huge mess. But it is cute, so we don't make her clean it up. (Just kidding.) Libby loves to play outside. We get a blanket and sit on the lawn, and play fetch with Chio. She loves to watch Chio chase her stick. She has started to pull up onto things, but she couldn't care less about crawling. She just rolls and rolls until she get stuck in the corner, and mommy and daddy have to rescue her. Libby has started to imitate the sounds that we make. She has a "fake" laugh. That is what we call it because she only does to copy Mom and Dad when we laugh. It is really cute.


Severine said...

Krys how are you? Good to hear from you guys. Libby is so adorable. Austin says that MacGuyver hasn't shown up yet but a weird alien dude did last month. Miss you tons!

Jess said...

What a cute little girl! She is growing so fast- she's about 9 months, right? I can't believe she'll eat half of a banana- Emmett won't always do that!

Lucie said...

What a delight! I'm glad I found your blog. Give Libby a big hug from me.

amy germer said...

It's official Germers make the cutest kids!