Friday, March 20, 2009


Here is Libby, stuck in a Tuba. Her dad must be a band teacher or something huh?

Dad took it with his phone during musical rehearsal.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stylin' Girl

Libby learned young about the art of fashion. Here she is with a look that says creative, classy, and I need my nose wiped.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our little musician!

Isn't this so cute! She is just barely tall enough, you can see every inch of her stretched out to it's limit. I love it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Libbers!

Wow! I can't believe she is already one. Everyone tells you it goes by quick, and you don't believe them until the first year is gone. We had her birthday party on Saturday and it went as well as expected. Nobody could come because it has been continuously snowing since Thursday. I feel a little secluded in this valley. So our neighbors across the street (the Olsens) came and we had a good time. Libby was the most delicate cake smasher I have ever seen. It took her about 10 minutes until she any cake on her face. She touched it and licked off some frosting, and then ate the cake. It was really cute. Libby has a lot of new things. Here are just a few...
-She says Uh-Oh when she drops things. Sometimes before she drops them.
-She has started to say "Wow!" when she likes something.
-She has started free standing.
-Libby pushes everything around the room. Stools, chairs, toys, anything she can reach.
-She waves randomly to strangers at the store and say "hi" to them.
-Libby also says "yeah" if I ask her a question.
-The Olsens gave a toy piano for her birthday and she will pound a couple of keys, then look up at me to see if I am watching. If I am she will wait until I clap for her, and she will clap and say "Yay!"
She is getting such a spunky little personality. She has an opinion about everything, and lately diaper changes have become a wrestling match. She keeps us on our toes. We love you Libby!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Jordan's letter's #2 2008-01-11

Krys and Nick (and Libby)

It sounds like Nick's Halloween concert went really well. The food and music is always a huge hit.I guess that's how we Idahoans get down. (Ha ha).There is about 42 days left of training, and 1/1/2 weeks of basic. All we have left before we go to AIT is our NIC at night (night Infiltration course), a 10 km march and a APFT. Then it is on to AIT until December 19th when I come home. My drill Sergeant are way cool,they are tough, but cool. Drill Daviage looks like Will Smith and talks like Evil Knievel. [Nick asked Jordan he advanced a rank because he knows how to fire a potato gun.] Most people don't even know what a "potato gun" is. They ask me what it shoots... "take a wild guess junior!" that is what I tell them. Are you going back to finish your music? I can't remember. I am starting school in January or March at one of the base Universities. Then when I am done with my service in the army I am going to ISU to get my degree in Engineering. I am excited for that. Anyway, church is almost over so I had better go. Thank you for writing me letters, it is like Christmas when I get letters. Also thank you for the pictures of you, Nick and yibbers. I taped them up in my wall locker. Keep praying for me, I love you all and I'll be home soon. Your loving brother,
-Jordan (pv2 Lund)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

For those of you that don't know, my little brother Jordan just joined the army. I am not sure exactly how I feel about it. I am very proud of him for wanting to serve our wonderful country, I am very scared he will get sent to Iraq, but mostly, I hope and pray that our new president will use my brother's service for a worthy cause. I don't know much about what is going on over there, and because I didn't even know anybody in army, I am kind of ashamed to say, I didn't pay much attention to what was going on. Boy have things changed. He is still at boot camp at Ft. Lenerwood in Missouri, but he only has a couple more weeks left, and then we don't really know where he will be going next. I am sharing his letters with all of you, so you will help our family by praying for him to be safe and healthy and to have the spirit with him. Thank you, and I love you all. This is the first letter I received. He doesn't put dates on them so I am note sure, but it is from about a month ago.

Letters form Jordan #1


Thank you a FREAKING BUTTLOAD for the letters, I have gone 11 days without hearing from the outside world. How is Grace I-der-ho? It is finally starting to cool off, these last 3 days have been in the low 50's, high 40's. It cooled off pretty quick. Last week it was in the 70's 80's. I did get a chance to watch conference. The LDS branch here is funny. It is super small and everyone wears camouflage to church, and it is a little weird to bless the sacrament in our ACU's (Advanced Combat Uniform, the camouflage.) We watched president Monson speak and Dallin H Oaks. I get two hours of church every Sunday. It is nice to just relax and listen to people talk. Last week was testimony meeting...very interesting...anyhoo! Congrats with Libby! I bet you are in for a surprise and lots of messes with Libby High speed. Ha Ha! You should tell me what is going on it the world, gas prices & elections and so forth etc. By the way, the food here is AMAZING. We get hot meals, three times a day. Except when we are on the ranges, the drill sergeant issues MRE's. I 'll have to admit, it is a little weird eating sloppy joes at 5:30 in the morning. But it is good when I am hungry. New things...Nothing really. I have goofy tan lines. You know how when you wear gloves and work outside, your hands are white and your arms are dark? It's the opposite here, hands are dark and arms are white. No matter how hot it is outside, we wear our jackets. But it is starting to cool off a lot. Last Thursday it rained. And rained. and rained etc. The next morning it was freezing outside and has been since then. We are supposed to get snow in two weeks. Which is pretty cool, there are people in my company who have never seen snow before. I think it is a little weird. I look forward to letters from anybody, so please keep writing me. There is only 6 weeks left until I graduate (YES!) Till then, I love you all, and keep praying for me.
